This blog entry contains my impressions of visiting Woodhenge and The Sanctuary.

This blog entry contains my impressions of visiting Woodhenge and The Sanctuary, plus original notes from Maud Cunnington (the archaeologist who originally excavated these sites). I sat for twenty minutes at first The Sanctuary and latter on in the day, twenty minutes at Woodhenge recording all I saw; the atmosphere, how I felt. I wished to give the myth locations, places where the mythic narrative and the facts, actually meet. The burial at The Sanctuary is ambiguous. It looks like the others found in the Avebury Avenue, which are taken to be male. The body is placed on the North-East side of a standing stone, crouched up...a beaker by its side (same as the Avenue burials). Aubrey Burl thought that it must be a female burial because of the way she was positioned. Aubrey Burl also argued that in the Neolithic mind (and the Bronze Age?) both death and fertility were integrated so that: "The fertility of the ground, the fecundity of women, the spirits of forebears that int...