The Sanctuary. Day before the Summer Solstice 2015.

This photo makes it look worse than it was.... No shadows. All shadow. ... So.. I laid out the string. Using this plan. The burial stone '1' is marked by my bag in this photo. If you put 'posts' in the plan and rotate it to look through, you will see that there is a gap in the posts that would allow you to have walked through the monument south-west to north-east. But... Must admit, there isn't any real reason for me placing the plan in the center of the Sanctuary, other than to provide a marker. As you can see, the center post has moved at least half a meter away from the center. I enclosed the perimeter rings (carefully avoiding the man in the sleeping bag) and set about thinking how people would have entered the rings. I had never enclosed the rings before, always too caught up in getting the pathways right! But doing so made sense of the monument for me. Wattle and daub fences, enclose an outer and an inner ring, wi...