
I feel a bit uneasy doing this... I've rotated the plan of The Sanctuary drawn up by Robert Cunnington, a Royal Engineers-trained surveyor. In 1930 magnetic declination- the difference between magnetic north and True North was thirteen degrees. The burial at The Sanctuary, using the plans (using north as drawn on the plan) as found in the report of the excavation by Maud Cunnington, is closer to 80 degrees. The concrete posts (the red ones are all over the place...but the blue ones seem to be in their original place). Magnetic declination is now just -1. the plans are now, the burial stone is about 10 degrees north of east (80 degrees.) In 1930, north (by the compass) was 13 degrees west. Unfortunately when I made inquires to find out what year the posts were put in place, I drew a blank. If the plan is rotated to compensate for that 13 degrees... The burial is now aligned east from the center, directed to the only place i...