Equinox: eclipse and Super moon!

This morning the sun was eclipsed by the moon, which passed directly in front of the sun... Here at latitude 52, the sky did not become significantly darker; just strange. The light had an almost X ray quality to it. Colour was bleached out of the land, and shadows were more obvious and wrong. Even when 90% of the sun is covered by the moon, we don't get total darkness. The experience of a rapid onset of a night, a fall in temperature, silent birds and various optical illusions such as rainbow-tinted clouds and seeing clouds appearing to drop towards the earth at the time of maximum eclipse happened further north... The experience of a 90% eclipse is unsettling, but without welding glass I would not be able to see what was happening in the sky even if I squinted. I may have seen something biting the sun away if thin cloud had been in the way, But cloud is not a good or reliable filter. This means that even when a total eclipse happens -and they don't happen v...