Midsummer Sanctuary. The portals of the sun.

From June the 12th until the end of the month, the midsummer sun rises at 49 degrees (azimuth) and sets at 311 degrees. The midsummer sun rises and sets at the same azimuth every day for almost a month. This means that there could be at least one early morning without rain, fog, hail or thunder for an intrepid person to dare the cold (I swear there was frost last time I was there at midsummer!) see where exactly the sun is, in relation to the position of posts of the Sanctuary. Sounds simple enough? Except the round concrete posts that used to mark the positions of the inner timber circles are now no longer accurate- add to that the question of did the Cunnington's correct for magnetic declination of not! So what you see now is just a bit confusing. And it is as if the Sanctuary is slowly changing shape, starting to echo the double circle surrounded by one large circle, layout of Avebury. But the original plan is in fact a cross within a circle. The only wa...