Lunar nodes and sun eating dragons!

The plane of the lunar orbit is inclined to the ecliptic by 5.1°. The ecliptic (marked in red) is the apparent path of the Sun over a year - so it takes the sun one year to complete the circle. Meanwhile the moon follows a similar path, completing it in one month. Because the paths of the sun and moon are at an angle to each other, the moon crosses the path of the Sun twice every month. These points of crossing are called, lunar nodes, and they move gradually westward, performing a complete circle around the ecliptic in approximately 18.6 years - which is known as a draconitic or nodical period. Why is it a Draconic cycle? There is an ancient idea of destruction and danger lurking in the sky. The older Egyptian Book of Gates, describes the solar journey through The Amduat. Every night the God Ra travels through the twelve gates to be rejuvenated and reborn. But the journey is always perilous and the Solar boat - the solar barque - is in danger: Hour 7 : Regenerating t...